Montag, 14. September 2009

Carles Puyol Must Decide His Barcelona Future - Txiki Begiristain

Barcelona director of football Txiki Begiristain has said that the future of club captain Carles Puyol is in his own hands.

According to El Mundo Deportivo, Begiristain suggested that the player may not be happy with a role whereby he will gradually play less at the club.

"Puyol must decide his own future at Barcelona," said Begiristain.

Puyol played at right-back in the 2-0 triumph over Getafe on Saturday, and now faces stiff competition for a central defensive berth alongside Gerard Pique, given the signing of Dmytro Chygrynskiy and the return to fitness of Rafael Marquez. Argentinian Gabriel Milito is also expected back before the end of 2009.

He continued, "Gradually playing less doesn't seem to convince the captain."

He also said that the contracts of coach Pep Guardiola and his assistant Tito Villanova would wait until Guardiola is ready, but he remains hopeful that they will both sign soon.

"We are waiting for Pep because he said it [the contract renewal] is not a priority. They have an offer which we hope is accepted."

Barcelona director of football Txiki Begiristain has said that the future of club captain Carles Puyol is in his own hands.

According to El Mundo Deportivo, Begiristain suggested that the player may not be happy with a role whereby he will gradually play less at the club.

"Puyol must decide his own future at Barcelona," said Begiristain.

Puyol played at right-back in the 2-0 triumph over Getafe on Saturday, and now faces stiff competition for a central defensive berth alongside Gerard Pique, given the signing of Dmytro Chygrynskiy and the return to fitness of Rafael Marquez. Argentinian Gabriel Milito is also expected back before the end of 2009.

He continued, "Gradually playing less doesn't seem to convince the captain."

He also said that the contracts of coach Pep Guardiola and his assistant Tito Villanova would wait until Guardiola is ready, but he remains hopeful that they will both sign soon.

"We are waiting for Pep because he said it [the contract renewal] is not a priority. They have an offer which we hope is accepted."


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